Maps and Directions
The Colloidal BIoadhesion group is located in building 26.33 on the campus of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf. The building is marked on the plan to the right.
The rooms are located on the ground floor U1. This is the ground floor for most of the entrances to the building.
These are the GPS coordinates for the best suited entrance: 51.187207, 6.798973
Arriving at the Campus by Car from Downtown Düsseldorf
- Leave downtown Düsseldorf either on the Berliner Allee or the Oststraße until you reach the Corneliusstraße.
- Follow the Corneliusstraße until you reach the Witzelstraße and turn left onto the Witzelstraße.
- Before you reach the "Südpark" follow the signs and turn right into the Universitätsstraße.
- Follow the Universitätsstraße until you reach the signs for the parking lots P1 and P2.
- Folow the signs and turn left.
- At the next fork keep right and follow the signs to P1.
- The parking lot is located south of the building.
- Walk from the parking lot towards buildings 25 and 26. The building 26.33. is the rightmost one if you reach campus from P1.
Arriving at the Campus by Car from the Altstadt
- Follow Cecilienallee, Hofgartenufer, Rheintunnel, Völklinger Straße south.
- At the end of Völklinger Straße turn left into Südring.
- Behind the gasoline station (Elf) turn right and follow the signs to the university (Universität).
- Take the exit "Universität".
- Go straight as far as possible and than turn right.
- Follow the Universitätsstraße until you reach the signs for the parking lots P1 and P2.
- Folow the signs and turn left.
- At the next fork keep right and follow the signs to P1.
- The parking lot is located south of the building.
- Walk from the parking lot towards buildings 25 and 26. The building 26.33. is the rightmost one if you reach campus from P1.
Public Transportation
- From the Main Station take either the tram 707 or the subway U79 directly to the terminal stop "Universität Ost/ Botanischer Garten"; from downtown Düsselaus der Innenstadt fahren die Straßenbahnen 711 und 716 bis zur Endstation "Universität Ost/Botanischer Garten".
- Follow the main path to campus. The "Juridicum" is located to the reight.
- Turn left and follow the path between buildings 25 and 26 south.
- Enter building 26.41 and path through building 26.41 and 26.42 to reach building 26.33.
- Alternativily you can take fromthe stop Bilk S-Bahnhof the bus lines SB56, 835 und 836 to Universität Süd.
- Von that stop Universität Süd cross the Universitätstraße and follow the signs to P1 und P2 by foot. Follow the middle of the three roads (The signs to P2 point to the left, the signs to P1 point to the right). Follow this road past buildings 25, 26.41 und 26.42 until you reach building 26.33.